Education PG 262
God's purpose for the children growing up beside our hearths is wider, deeper, higher, than our restricted vision has comprehended. From the humblest lot those whom He has seen faithful have in time past been called to witness for Him in the world's highest places. And many a lad of today, growing up as did Daniel in his Judean home, studying God's word and His works, and learning the lessons
of faithful service, will yet stand in legislative assemblies, in halls of justice, or in royal courts, as a witness for the King of kings. Multitudes will be called to a wider ministry. The whole world is opening to the gospel. Ethiopia is stretching out her hands unto God. From Japan and China and India, from the still-darkened lands of our own continent, from every quarter of this world of ours, comes the cry of sin-stricken hearts for a knowledge of the God of love. Millions upon millions have never so much as heard of God or of His love revealed in Christ. It is their right to receive this knowledge. They have an equal claim with us in the Saviour's mercy. And it rests with us who have received the knowledge, with our children to whom we may impart it, to answer their cry. To every household and every school, to every parent, teacher, and child upon whom has shone the light of the gospel, comes at this crisis the question put to Esther the queen at that momentous crisis in Israel's history, "Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
Esther 4:14.
Historical Sketches
of the Foreign Missions
PG 287
Among our people in America, there are very few of the different nationalities who are bearing the burden of the work. There is a great lack of the missionary spirit among those who can labor in the
German, the French, and other languages. How can you who have received the truth, feel so little burden for those of your own tongue in other countries? Is your interest selfishly shut up to your own family or to your own church? God pity your narrowness! You should have that undying zeal, that far-reaching love, that encircles the world. There are hundreds of millions of men, women, and children who have never heard the truth, and multitudes are constantly going down to the grave without any sense of their accountability to God. How can you who repeat the Lord's prayer, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," sit at ease in your homes without helping to carrythe torch of truth to others? How can you lift up your hands before God and ask his blessing upon yourselves and your families when you are doing so little to help others?
GCB April1, 1899
From the light given me of God, I make this call to young and old, men and women and children. God calls upon you to do your best. Practice self-denial in order to bring the truth
before thousands who have never heard it.